0863840132 mark@markdonovan.ie
Resign as the Master of the Universe……

Resign as the Master of the Universe……

Half of the troubles in my life can still be traced back to saying ‘yes’ too quickly and not saying ‘no’ soon enough’. Beware of PTH: Propensity To Help, it gets us into other people’s business and makes the assumption they can’t help themselves and/or won’t request...
Get Your Car out of the Garage

Get Your Car out of the Garage

  A great many people live in the self-imposed imprisonment of low expectations about life. I call this, the ‘car being stuck in the garage’, it’s not moving so it is going no-where. How do we change this? Accept self-responsibility and take action Pick a goal and...
Eat the Dessert First

Eat the Dessert First

In society today, there is a huge culture of moaning and complaining about what we should have, must have or could have.   Is life always fair, no it is not, if life was fair, Elvis would be still alive and all the impersonators would be dead! A wise colleague once...
Are You Just Watering the Plants?

Are You Just Watering the Plants?

Study after study has shown that most training is a waste of time. Learning new skills and techniques is invaluable, but implementing them, being supported in creating new habits and being held accountable for practising those new skills, is the difference between a...