0863840132 mark@markdonovan.ie

I left school at 16 in the mid-eighties to take up a bakery apprenticeship. 

I quickly realized that there was no long-term future in this business for me. 

The cakes I made would make a sword-swallower gag!. 

My mam had instilled in me that the only way to advance was through education. 

I went back to night school to complete my leaving cert. 

I still didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do, I didn’t know my WHY!

I was discussing this with one of my lecturers at night school. 

He asked me a question that would change my life, ‘what goal would excite you?’.

I had just seen the movie, ‘Wall Street’ and told him that it would be great to go to work every day in a suit and a stripy shirt.

The following week I enrolled in night college to study accountancy. 

It began a challenging but exciting path, that was to lead to me spending 11 very successful years in financial services. 

From my experience, one of the biggest reasons people do not go after the things in life they want is, they have no idea what they want. 

When we have no idea what we want out of life or our career, our car is stuck in the garage and going nowhere. 

But if we pick a destination, our ‘car is now out of the garage’. 

It might not be the ideal destination but at least we are now moving towards something. 

And what happens when we start to move towards something, other opportunities open up. 

What creates momentum?…. movement. 

When we take action and put things out in the world, stuff happens. 

The more we ‘move’, the more things we will learn and this will eventually lead to results. 

When we get results, it leads to motivation and inspiration, which leads back to momentum. 

The cycle then starts to feed itself. This is why consistent motion is critical. 

If your ‘car is in the garage’ it is not moving, and if it is not moving it is not open to all the possibilities that are out there. 

My suggestion is, pick a target, it could be to get your boss’s job over the next two years.

Even if it is not your ‘ideal goal’, by putting it in place, your ‘car will be out of the garage’ and more importantly, you will be ‘moving’. 

Your challenge this month: stop looking for your WHY and put in place a goal that will ‘get your car out of the garage in 2021’.