0863840132 mark@markdonovan.ie
Optimism is the fuel……

Optimism is the fuel……

There is so much doom and gloom at the moment! We hear on a daily basis, will this ever end!  Life will never be the same again. Why not ‘be the optimist in the room’? Optimism is not just a mindset, it’s a form of behaviour that guides everything we do.  It can be...
Who is the only person we can change?

Who is the only person we can change?

If we step back today, we’ll discover that we’re still in control of our lives.  We still have the power to create significant positive change.  When we are faced with any situation we always have two choices……… Accept the situation as it is, or,...
Start your day with a key initiative…

Start your day with a key initiative…

How we spend the first 30 minutes of our morning can set the tone for the rest of our day. Routines inevitably lead to efficiency, since they remove the decision-making step, saving us time and energy. Some of the world’s most admired, creative, and successful...
Home with the kids – Father Forgets

Home with the kids – Father Forgets

Due to the current crisis, many of us are home with our children for much longer periods than we are used to. As much as I love them, my kids could strain the patience of a saint. See below a poem, “Father Forgets” That I need to read on a daily basis! Written in 1927...