0863840132 mark@markdonovan.ie
Stop trying to motivate other people…

Stop trying to motivate other people…

Motivation is often seen as something we can ‘do’ to another person.  This is not so, we can’t motivate someone else to do something… try getting your kids to study! What we can do is, create an environment where people will be engaged to motivate themselves. ...
Count your blessings, not your troubles!

Count your blessings, not your troubles!

My mother told me a story once which I feel is apt for these strange and challenging times we sometimes live in. My brother and I were going off to school one morning when my mother said to my father as he was also leaving for work. “I feel sorry for the boys having...
Are you holding up the mirror?

Are you holding up the mirror?

As leaders, we need to ‘continually challenge the perception of ourselves’. When a large gap exists between how we see ourselves and how others see us, this leads to ‘leadership blind spots. This is why feedback from others is so important, it’s like a mirror that...
Accepting self-responsibility and taking action!

Accepting self-responsibility and taking action!

One of my key philosophies is accepting self-responsibility and taking action. The problem with most people today is not the absence of knowledge, it is the absence of doing. The starting point for achieving anything is accepting the self-responsibility for doing it. ...